Industrial Internet Conference held in Suzhou-世界視訊
發(fā)布時間:2023-06-16 11:39:47 文章來源


The 2023 Industrial Internet Conference, hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the People"s Government of Jiangsu Province, was held in Suzhou on Thursday. Governor Xu Kunlin attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the conference with Zhang Yunming, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology. Zhang Yunming and Vice Governor Hu Guangjie delivered speeches.

The industrial internet is an important cornerstone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a key foundation for the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and a strategic infrastructure for new industrialization, according to a statement released after the conference.

We must adhere to a problem-oriented approach, focus on breaking the bottleneck that restricts the promotion of industrial internet, accelerate the construction of technical systems, standard systems, and product systems, adhere to a demand-oriented approach, accelerate the construction of application systems that cover key enterprises, industries, and regions, and create a good environment, said the statement.

In recent years, Jiangsu has taken solid steps to promote industrial Internet on the road of innovation and development, accelerated the construction of a strong manufacturing province, focused on building an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence, solidly promoted the capability improvement of the industrial internet as a platform, continuously improved the level of high-end, intelligent, and green development in the manufacturing industry, further strengthened independent innovation, basic support, integrated applications, optimized industrial ecology, and injected strong momentum into promoting new industrialization and building a modern industrial system, the statement said.

Cases of industrial internet pilot demonstration 5G factories were released alongside with the "Suzhou Industrial Internet" brand, and 5G ultra reliable and low latency automotive flexible production lines.

The Jiangsu Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology was unveiled at the conference.

Letters of appointment were awarded to the experts of the Second Industrial Internet Strategy Consulting Expert Committee.

Academicians, experts, and industry leaders engaged in peak dialogues around the topics of trend insight and path exploration of industrial internet.




